Hope + Faith is Our Currency

An excerpt from our Nov 17th Newsletter:
For the verse of the week I borrowed it from the Bible app today.
It felt like a perfect verse to go into this week with.
Hope + Faith is OUR currency.
God's word has not and will not fail us. He is our ultimate protector and as He protects you I ask that you protect YOUR faith + hope this week.
Hope + Faith is OUR currency.
God's word has not and will not fail us. He is our ultimate protector and as He protects you I ask that you protect YOUR faith + hope this week.
Verse of the Week:
You are my refuge and my shield; I have put my hope in your word. - Psalms 119:114
Keep PRAYING! Let us choose JOY + HOPE on purpose this week, lean into community more than ever and let's love on each other a bit harder.
You are my refuge and my shield; I have put my hope in your word. - Psalms 119:114
Keep PRAYING! Let us choose JOY + HOPE on purpose this week, lean into community more than ever and let's love on each other a bit harder.
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